How Much Do Dental Implants Cost?

Dental implants are a highly effective restorative dentistry treatment utilized to replace or reconstruct missing or severely damaged teeth. They can be essential in renewing the function and appearance of compromised teeth, as well as resolving the oral health issues presented by a lost or decayed tooth. Whether the your concerns involve a single missing tooth, lost function of an entire dental arch, or any degree of impairment in between, dental implants are capable of completely transforming your smile with natural-looking and long-lasting results.

Because each person has varying dental needs that warrant a personalized treatment approach from our dentists, the cost of dental implants will be similarly unique to each patient. One factor that can affect the price of this tooth replacement solution is the state of your existing oral health and whether preliminary procedures, such as periodontal disease treatment or bone grafting, are required before dental implantation. Other considerations that influence your cost estimate include how many implants are needed, the location of your missing teeth, and the cost of crafting a prosthesis (such as a dental crown or implant-supported denture).

After you visit one of our restorative dentists for a consultation, our office will be able to provide you with a personalized quote based on your unique needs. Drs. Romano, Bizzarro, and Dunn work to make necessary dental treatment affordable for every patient, which is why our practice works with highly reputable dental financing companies such as CareCredit® and Citi® Health. These healthcare lending companies allow qualified applicants to pay for their treatment over time with a number of flexible payment plans that can be chosen to fit one’s budgetary concerns.

If you have any additional questions about the cost of dental implants, please contact our practice to speak to a friendly member of our team.